So, there's this thing going around the internet, about Snakes On A Plane? And people are writing fics that involve snakes on planes in some of our favorite universes? And, well...
Title: Hitching a Ride Fandom: Fray / Star Wars / milliways_bar Characters: Melaka Fray, Wes Jansen Prompt: 28 Flavours of Mel: #8: Excited Mel // Millirific42: #8 Crack Word Count: 100 Rating: G Author's Notes: A gift for djcati
Title: Live Ammo Fandom: Fray / milliways_bar Characters: Mel/Mike, Tim Hunter, Ramon Prompt: 28 Flavours of Mel: #7: Pregnant Mel // Millirific42: #30 Gunslinger Word Count: 153 Rating: PG Author's Notes: A gift for fightingthecage. Also, I'm so chuffed a nice nice of metaphor fitted so well with this prompt XD